Looking back, this year has FLOWN by! We've been very busy in the computer lab and HOT Spot learning new and exciting things! Third through fifth grade have worked on their typing skills. Some are almost fast enough to challenge me! I've been very proud of their progress.
Prodigy is still a very popular program. Please encourage your student to use it during the summer to help keep their math skills sharp! Grades 2 - 5 all have logins to this great program.
Speaking of summer, I'll be posting resources throughout our break that can help your child's skills stay sharp until we return to school in July. In addition to aiding their skills, they will be interesting and fun as well!
My first featured program is a online reading app called Epic! This site allows you to access over 20,000 books for kids aged 12 and under. It's a library you can take with you anywhere. The link sends you to the site where you are offered a free 30 day trial and the monthly membership after that is only $4.99 a month. Members can read on the Web, iOS and Android devices.
Start Your Free Trial to Epic! Click Here!
Personalized Recommendations Based on Interest and Level
Reward System Offers Extra Motivation to Keep Kids Reading
Hundreds of Read-To-Me and Audio Books Included
Check back regularly this summer to discover great new websites and apps that are great for your kids to explore!
Mrs. Parks