The second nine weeks is off to a great start! Mr. Buscher and I are very excited to meet with everyone next week at conferences. If you are not sure of your conference time please let us know! Reminders will be going home the day before as well.
Writing- Our opinion papers are officially launched! We are working on our first drafts. We are really working on using evidence, citing that evidence and writing organized paragraphs. Next week we will focus on revising by paying close attention to word choice, adding appropriate transitions, and taking out unnecessary details. Due to the shorter days, we will not have a mentor sentence or vocabulary.
Reading- There is so much going on in reading! Students are enjoying their novels and meeting with their book clubs. We also have been studying informational texts and using text features (glossary, index, table of contents). Next week we will continue studying informational texts and start working comparing and contrasting information.
Math- We are wrapping up our BIG unit 1 (order of operations, exponents and powers of ten, whole number operations) and kicking off Unit 2 for the year. This will be all about decimals. We will start with a place value review and then work on comparing. Again, decimals are a great opportunity to talk about money! We are also continuing to study word problems--especially 2 part problems!
Social Studies/Science- Next week we will wrap up our big IDM: Does location matter? After that we are transitioning back to Science with our Electricity unit. We will start off looking at static electricity. This is easy to talk about when you get shocked opening a car door, pulling out clothes that stick together in the dryer, or playing with a balloon!
Let us know if you have any questions/concerns! Also, Ms. Stanley wanted to pass on the news that you are invited to the Media Center Open House. See the invite below: