Fall break is over and we are getting back to routine! A few updates/reminders for the week:
- Class Directory Forms were due back today
You should have received this in the Thursday folder before break. If you still have this form at home please turn it in tomorrow. Let me know if you need another copy!
2. Civil War and Reconstruction test is Friday, October 7th
Students are receiving their study guide today. You can also get a copy here: Download Civil War study guide
Students should have all the answers in their notebooks, but they can also use textbooks or the internet to help them at home. This study guide should be complete for us to use as a review tool on Thursday. Students may turn in the guide on Friday when they take their test for 5 bonus points on the assessment!
This is the last nine weeks of Quarter 1--it has really flown by! Stay tuned for information soon about Conference week to discuss First Quarter Report Cards.