I hope everyone had a great break! My time off was very restful AND productive. Teachers are back at word today and I have just finished sketching out a general plan for the rest of the year. Wow! We are going to be busy! Quarter 3 is going to cover so many standards from poetry to informational responses, Plant and Animal classification, and we will travel in history from World War 1 through World War 2. This Thursday and Friday back we will be reviewing procedures and expectations, setting New Years Resolutions to finish the year strong, building back reading stamina, reviewing in math to get ready for some new standards, and diving into World War 1.
For our first full week back (January 9th) we will start our regular homework again. This will be vocabulary and math just like before. Don't forget to record your reading time on your Six Flags Reading Log! This will be due back February 17th.
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2017 and a great rest of fifth grade. As always, don't hesitate to ask us any questions or let us know of any concerns. Tell your students we will see them tomorrow bright and early!
I am so excited that they go back tomorrow. :)
Posted by: Danielle | 01/04/2017 at 12:53 PM
Great work
Posted by: patrick | 07/01/2017 at 03:16 AM